The Urantia Book Study Edition
The Urantia Book Study Edition
Urantia Book 4:3.4 links to Old Testament References (KJV):

God is said to repent: 1Sa 15:35, 2Sa 24:16, Ps 106:45, Ge 6:6, Am 7:3, Jg 2:18, Ex 32:14, 1Ch 21:15, Je 18:8, Je 26:19, Je 42:10, Jh 3:10

God repents not, by choice: Je 4:28, Zc 8:14, Ps 110:4, Ek 24:14

God repents not, by nature: Nu 23:19, a href="../KJV/OldTestament.htm#1Sa_15_29">1Sa 15:29